Friday, 18 January 2013

Friday 18th January 2013

Another bitterly cold day with heavy snow most of the day. Aside from drifting we ended the day with approx' 75 mm depth of snow. Good day for photographs.
                 Bird Feeders took a pounding today. Two feeders were emptied completely of Sunflower Hearts. Coincided with a delivery of 25kg of SFH and 25kg of Monkey Nuts. Plenty of stock now to cope with a hard winter.
While taking pictures of the variety of Birds on the feeders they all took flight/fright. Looking out for a Sparrowhawk as the culprit I was amazed to see a Fox a matter of 1.8 mtrs away using his snout to find fallen bird feed. Was there for a good five minutes before trotting off down the garden. A great moment. 
All photographs taken in the garden this morning during the snow storm.

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