Sunday, 26 July 2015

Saturday 25th July 2015

Weather an improvement on yesterday. Warm and sunny most of the day.
Henry Street shopping this morning for bee loving lavender plants.
This afternoon planted them up in large pots as not much luck growing them in the garden.
Within half an hour of planting bees were already on the plants. Good sign.
            Buff Tip Moth eggs have all but disappeared so will commence with connecting the trap again. Rain forecast tonight so will wait until finer weather again.
Interesting evening watching the monitor, or so I thought? This snowball looking thing appeared and it was some while until I was able to identify it as a snail! It kept me amused for a while...
Picture - Snail in mouse house.

Sad news re Lorna's dear sister Jean. Admitted to hospital yesterday after experiencing complications and subsequently suffered a heart attack during tests. At the moment not able to recognise anyone around the bed, not good news.

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