Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Monday 12th September 2016

Hot and sunny, loving it but trees and shrubs are sadly suffering.
Started the day with another dawn walk at Fobney. A stunning walk but did miss the atmosphere created by the mist as yesterday.
Day spent on Autumn clearing and the planting of 100s of Spring and Summer bee friendly bulbs. Can't wait for Spring now.
         Somewhat noticeable birds are in short supply in the garden. Not refilled the feeders for three weeks now. Probably due to the abundance of berries at the moment?
Spike used its home again last night, never there in the mornings so leaves in the early hours I guess?
Making my coffee tonight I spotted this delightful moth on the wall. Seeing more moths in the house or garden than in the trap this year.
           Tonight I attended a meeting at Trooper Potts re the future of Men's Sheds. I have pretty strong views on this venture which smacks in the face in what they wanted to achieve when the idea was first muted. I was never part of that team and only recently have they approached me for help. Surprisingly they all appeared to agree with my thoughts and suggestions so now back to the drawing board.
Looking forward now to the visit by Margaret and Paul tomorrow, staying with us for a few days. This is Pauls first venture outside Leeds since his stroke in the Spring.

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