Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Tuesday 21st February 2017

A mild and overcast day. On the windy side tonight.
Arrived at the RBH at 8.15am and was allowed home at 3.30pm as thankfully there were no complications.
I am now in a position to explain in more detail on what is wrong with me. Week before Christmas after a chest X-ray I received a phone call the next day telling me to visit my GP as a matter of urgency. It was a shock to be told I have the strong possibility of lung cancer in my right lung due to exposure to asbestos. I worked with this material 1963-1967.
It has been a roller coaster ride since Christmas with two further X-rays and a CT scan plus appointments with my consultant.
A partial collapse of the right lung is showing a shadow which required further tests hence today's visit.
I had three lung biopsies which is carried out in the CT scanner. A most interesting procedure, I chose a local anaesthetic so I could watch the procedure on screen. The shadow is a hard lump formed by asbestos where rest of the lung is lined with asbestos. It is this lump that could be cancerous.
More optimistic today as surgeon explained cancer tissue tends to be squiggly where mine was hard.
Have to attend again on March 2nd for results and to explain next step.
Clearly going to be an unsettling year, just fingers crossed tests show a benign growth.
Well, that was an interesting blog eh?

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