Sunday, 6 December 2015

Saturday 5th December 2015

Dry, windy and mild but very overcast.
Most of the day spent at the Whitley Museum. Enjoyed a very interesting and informative presentation by Mark an ex pupil of Ashmead. Had no idea for instance the importance of Whitley Village during WW1 and 2. The discussion after the presentation proved there are a lot of stories out there by people who remember those times. Important now for the museum to record some of these stories. Really was an interesting morning.
I have been in discussion with Trish the custodian for some months now but did not realise the significance between her hubby and myself until we met today. It was goose pimple time. Trish's hubby and I looked at one another open mouthed, speechless for a moment. The story goes back to the 1970s when we worked at the Council. I was supervising the home improvement scheme and he supervised the building department workforce who were working on the scheme. We had not seen each other since the mid 70s. We could have talked all day.
It was a great day for many reasons.

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