Saturday, 3 March 2012

Friday 2nd / Saturday 3rd March 2012

Yesterday was a beautiful day with lots of Sun, today however was very April. Mild, Overcast, Showery. At one point this afternoon there were three Rainbows.
Still managed to put a full day in the garden completing the Veg, Fruit Cage I started yesterday. Is ok and it will work, found the mesh had a mind of its own. Pull to tight and the poles bent, not enough and the mesh sagged!
Yesterday filled four bags of Horse Manure from a Stable in Arborfield. Real good stuff and already spread on the Fruit/Veg patch.
          Magpie has started building now in the Lelandi Tree. Interesting to watch, spends a fair bit of time in the Silver Birch Tree tugging away at twigs, letting them fall to the ground before collecting and flying off.
           Enjoyed an evening out with Doug and Anna at the Stag & Hounds in Binfield. Sadly Anna's steak was not good and was rejected on two attempts. Chef completely messed up, to their credit they were very apologetic and did a deal with Doug on the Bill.
The evening was a treat extended by Doug and Anna in appreciation for the Hen Palace I recently constructed, cheers Boyo.
Before we left Doug showed us on the HD Telly' the Little Owl footage recently filmed. Abso' brilliant and left me speechless at the the quality, detail etc. Well done Boyo.

Picture 1 - Fruit & Veg' Cage, also showing Horse Manure!
     "     2 - Magpie collecting twigs.

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