Sunday, 4 March 2012

Sunday 4th March 2012

Very wet all day, snow shower mid afternoon. Temp' reached a low of 2c mid afternoon.
Spent day connecting all my Cameras to the Monitor in the 'Useful' Room. Connected to two switch units that allow me to switch from one camera to another by the press of a button. Wicked!!
Guaranteed daily results will be the Bird Feeder, nesting boxes of course seasonal.
The pair of Magpies were both busy with their nest building, it really is something to watch them tugging at twigs on the tree before carting them off. Would like to set up a vidio to catch the action.
On clearing up late this afternoon I was aware of some activity outside, looked up to catch a Sparrowhawk with a Sparrow. Did not fly off with it so had a birds eye view for half an hour. Completely stripping of Feathers before eating the meat! After the meal Mrs.Hawk flew to the fence keeping further watch. I was able to get as close as 1.8 mtrs for this picture, even the noise of closing and locking the door did not frighten her.

Picture 1 - Pair Magpies collecting twigs from Silver Birch Tree.
      "    2 - Monitor and cable system for outside camaras.
      "    3 & 4 - Blue Tit on Fat Ball Feeder.
      "    5 - Snow Shower.
      "    6 - Mrs. Hawk.
      "    7 - Aftermath!

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