Monday, 28 July 2014

Saturday 26th July 2014

A hot and humid day but not complaining.
Day spent on finishing touches to the Tree Hide, information sheets on the notice board etc.......?
Other than that just a lazy day sitting by the pond. Not sure what made me do it but decided on a bit of pond dipping and WOW. Glad I did. In the net over a period of say half a dozen or so dips I saw 10 Dragonfly larvae. Brilliant news and so soon after seeing Dragonflies emerge last week. Made my day. Wonderful news.
Enjoyed a meal tonight at Chris and Amy. A thank you meal for helping out earlier in the year when Chris was so ill with the infection after keyhole surgery in his leg. Chris now has a new hip and is getting stronger by the day. Enjoy your well deserved holiday to Cornwall.
Good to see John and Hilly at the dinner (parents of Chris).
Picture 1 - Family group at Chris/Amy's dinner party.
  " 2 & 3 - Dragonfly larva.

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