Very warm, little overcast but at least dry.
Day spent helping at the WhitFest held on the recreation field in Long Barn Lane. Very well attended, very well organised, was a good afternoon. The pop up museum was as popular as ever with further information gained from locals who continue to unearth some very interesting facts. All documented ready for the permanent exhibition.
Arrived home to find two very young blackbird chicks by the back door. Much to young to be out so can only assume they fell out of the nest in the bay tree. Advice is to leave well alone as parents will know where these chicks are. Kept an eye on them in case cats thought they were in for a free meal. As at 9pm there was no sign of parents but the chicks had hopped under a bush. Not sure if they will be about in the morning with foxy and cats on the prowl at night?
The lonesome young pigeon arrived again this morning and late afternoon. So noticeable all other birds including adult pigeons fly away on its arrival.
Good night for bats appearing later tonight at 9.30pm. Machine registering at 45.8 so pretty sure they are pipistrelle bats.
Pictures 1 - 15 - WhitFest.
" 16 & 17 - Blackbird Chicks.
" 18 - Bat watching.
" 19 - Young pigeon.
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