Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tuesday 22nd May 2012

A very warm day with temp' reaching 26c mid afternoon in the shade. In the sun was showing 32c.
                 Large part of the day spent filling the Hanging Baskets. Managed to get six completed. Have 30 Pots and Baskets to fill.
                  Garden Furniture arrived today, brilliant service. Looks good, can't wait to complete the project now.
                  Today was the last day at Rotton Green, have enjoyed looking after the Cat's and will miss them. Lulu and Clive arrived home at 8pm tonight, pretty tired after a very long trip. Over a 1000 pictures to look at now!
Picture 1 - New Furniture.
      "    2 - Empty Chrysalides after the last Butterfly was released this morning.
      "    3 & 4 - First of the Hanging Baskets.
Breaking News
Neil next door has just txt (10.15pm) to say he is sure the White Bat was about tonight. More on this tomorrow, can't wait for tomorrow night now!

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