Saturday, 9 January 2016

Saturday 9th January 2016

Had enough of this wet stuff now. Is it ever going to stop? More tomorrow apparently with the rest of the week being much of the same.
The lawn is looking like a ploughed field at the moment and very muddy. May have to resort to laying plastic membrane which allows grass still to grow.
          With colder weather forecast later in the month thought best get some coal in. Did not appreciate how competitive coal is, Locky Farm the cheapest in the area. Collected a few bags this morning and also a trip to Henry Street for the paving slabs I rejected yesterday! Gave the job some more thought and decided to change the design a little to accommodate the square slabs.
Despite the rain I set the slabs under the bird feeder, should solve the problem now of dropped food rotting as will be able to sweep up each day.
            The saga of the missing hedgehog food and bowls deepens. This afternoon I scrapped out the bedding in one of the habitats and guess what? Pulled out an enormous rat. Been dead for a while as only a skeleton. Do not have any poison about so unsure how it died unless it choked on the hog food?

I now have a camera in the house, fresh bedding and more food and with a camera on the outside. Determined to find out what is happening.
Photographs of the rat tomorrow!

Pictures 1 - 3 - Fungus growing under the bird feeder.
     "     4 & 6 - Slabs laid under the bird feeder.
     "            5 - Ratty found in the hog home.

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