Sunday 21 October 2012

Sunday 21st October 2012

Another mild, dry day but a very wet evening.
Quality day starting with an early morning walk. So early in fact (6am) I was out to enjoy an Autumn Dawn Chorus and see the Crow's Flying Formation, spectacular. Rather dark the first hour hence dark pictures! There is still beauty at this time of morning.
                 Rest of the day spent on the Wildlife Project. Moved the ton weight 'Slimited' seat to another area so I can enlarge the wooded area. Disturbed a Hibernating Hornet but soon settled the buzzing insect in another spot. Next stage will be to level the ground incorporating area's for Foxy, Hedgehog etc.
Was good to see a varied selection of Fungi in the wooded area.
Pictures 1 - 7 - Fobney Lakes and views along the Kennet & Avon Canal between Reading and Southcote.
Pictures 8 - 15 - Hornet and Fungi in wooded area of garden.


  1. what on earth is photo number two?

    1. Brilliant eh Boyo?! It is in fact an Aircraft. Also managed a similar one with coloured lights.
