Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter Monday 9th April 2012

Miserable day, showers on and off all day. Max' temp' today only 11c. We require the rain but sadly the showers today are not going to help the shortage.
               Despite the weather I managed to prise myself out of bed and go for a walk to Southcote. Not easy to take photographs without a Camera Rain Shield, have posted the best!
The Fobney Lake area is still not open to the public, can only Bird Watch from the towpath. Not sure why there is this delay as recently sown grass seed is now showing green and the Trees and Shrubs planted last Autumn are also showing good green shoots. May well ring to find out reason for delay in opening.
Good to see Ducks, Geese etc already making home on the lakes, all the signs are that it will be a good area for Wildlife when fully managed.
                Birds at home very busy today clearly enjoying the showers for juicy worms and bugs in the lawn. Blackbirds particularly busy with both feeding and making another nest two doors down. The other pair built in the Lelandi and still sitting. At least two Pigeon eggs hatched today with the shells on the decking directly under the nest in the Lelandi Tree. Pair Jays back to normal feeding almost contantly on the Monkey Nuts. Pair Robins busy feeding, not showing any interest in the nest built two weeks ago.
                 Although wet I managed to shift the 200 bricks to the side of the house ready to make another path!
Pictures 1 - 5 - Taken on my walk this morning.
       "     6 - The two Pigeon Eggs hatched today.

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