Sunday 31 March 2019

Sunday 31st March 2019

Very warm and sunny with temperature today reaching 16c this afternoon.
A day in the garden after a little bit of a lay in.
Watered all the plant pots and new wildflower plants. Four large sacks filled with home made compost. About 50% of the compost bin now emptied.
All my bonsai trees trimmed for another year and topped up with soil.
                Lots of bees and hoverflies enjoying the recent planted wildflower plants. A male hairy-footed flower bee was identified by one of my followers. 
A pied wagtail appeared in the garden this afternoon. 
Squirrel has now chewed through the dustbin lid. I upturned a large clay pot onto the lid as a deterrent but clearly had not worked.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a shame when people call Anthophora plumipes a "hairy footed flower bee". It should be called a feather footed flower bee (from plume and plumipes in its scientific name).
    That is a much nicer name... feather footed rather than hairy footed... and much more accurate in terms of visual appearance and original nomenclature.
    To me it's as bad as calling a great spotted woodpecker a greater spotted woodpecker. It was a mistake by someone, and people have continued the mistake.

    Long and short of it pump your bee is a Male feather footed flower bee sometimes mistakenly called a hairy footed flower bee.

    See my photo here taken at 483.
